I've recently started an initiative that is near and dear to my heart. It breaks my heart to see unhealthy/overweight adults and kids. In a perfect world I would be able to help everyone get fit and healthy but that's just not possible. So I have created a facebook group called Fit Parents = Fit Kids.
The rates of obesity in North America are alarming and the rate of obesity in children is even more alarming. If parents are overweight, chances are their kids will be overweight as well. It's a terrible cycle that has to be broken. When the statistics were released last week I was in shock. Like make me want to throw up in shock. This is NOT cool. "In Canada, overweight and obesity rates are lower than the U.S., which has some of the highest rates in the world, but not by much. Nearly 65 per cent of Canadian men are overweight and obese; nearly 49 per cent of women are overweight or obese; nearly 26 per cent of boys under age 20 are overweight or obese; 22 per cent of girls under age 20 are overweight or obese." (Source: www.theglobeandmail.com) The study calls for "urgent global leadership" to combat risk factors such as excessive calorie intake, inactivity, and "active promotion of food consumption by industry".
You don't have to be rich to be healthy. You don't have to have access to the best personal trainers in the world to be healthy. You don't need a personal chef to be healthy. All you need is the right mind set and some great ideas to help you!
That's where I come in! :)
I was chubby as a kid and was teased so much. It was so incredibly painful at the time, I remember crying before school and after school. Kids would say "mooo" to me as I walked down the hall. Kids would call me a beached whale. Kids would call me fatty-bo-batty. It was really bad. So when I see an overweight child, my heart breaks for them because I know EXACTLY what they are going through. Exactly. And I don't want any child to have to suffer through that.
So today begins my new initiate Fit Parents = Fit Kids. If I can get parents healthy, active and eating the right foods, their kids will naturally do the same and one by one the rates of obesity will stop rising and we will have a new generation of healthy parents and kids!!
To join the facebook group click here!
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