I work full time, I have 3 small kids, I have a husband and I work part time. My health is important to me. It makes me a better mom, wife, friend, sister and daughter when I eat well and exercise consistently. I am not perfect and will never be. I have struggled with my weight most of my life and am not yet at my goal weight.
Every day I work towards my goals. I used to be an emotional eater, when I was mad, sad, happy, I would eat. But I wouldn't just have one cookie, or one chocolate bar, I would eat a lot. Then i would be mad at myself for eating so much. Then I had an ah-ha moment - what the heck am I doing? I work so hard to reach my goals then sabotage it all when I get happy, sad, angry? It was a vicious cycle that was so hard to break. Even now I catch myself when reaching in the cupboard, or walking towards the kitchen. I know that eating whatever will just have the opposite effect than it was supposed to have.
Ladies, we are all human and no one is perfect. We have moments of weakness, moments of self doubt, moments of "I can't do this, why bother?"
Those are your defining moments! Those are the moments when you push those negative thoughts aside and tell yourself you are stronger than that, you are are loved, you are needed, you are worth it!!
Stop being so hard on yourself, stop beating yourself up because you missed a workout......if you don't like yourself for not working out, then workout! If you get mad because you ate a dozen cookies, then stop eating 12 cookies in one sitting! YOU are the only person who makes those choices for you!
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