Three years ago I introduced the movie A Christmas Story to my oldest son Jonathan.
As we watched we laughed especially at the "who's my little piggy part"!! He loved the movie then we got to the part where the kid sticks his tongue to the frozen post on the school play ground.....
I froze....it was like the world stopped; the birds stopped chirping, the wind died down and the room began to spin....what was I thinking watching this movie with a 3.5 year old??!! Ahhhh! Of course he will go outside and immediately stick his tongue to a post and I'll have a tongue-less kid!
As we watched the scene I repeatedly told Jonathan to never do that! It would hurt a lot and his tongue may never come off. (Yes I said that, I had to share the most extreme consequences of his actions so he would never do it!)
He said ok Mom and we continued with the movie sharing a special Mom and Son Christmas moment :)
Fast forward 2 months to the middle of winter in February. I had a home daycare at that point and we were in the garage getting the littles in their wagon to walk to the bus stop. I was steps away then all of a sudden I hear "maaaaaaaa" I look over my shoulder and Jonathan had stuck his tongue to the metal posts that the garage door goes into. I leaped into the laundry room, grabbed some warm water and poured it over his mouth. He was a bit shaken but no damage was done. He promised me he would never do that again.
I was relieved because each kid really has to get their tongue stuck once in their life and they will never do it again, it's just one of those things as a kid you do. (I never did it though, I was too scared but I am also scared to do a somersault for fear of breaking my neck...it's totally possible!)
Fast forward to yesterday....
I picked my kids up from daycare and Jonathan said that he has to tell me something. After a moment of silence he tells me that he stuck his tongue to a poll at school. I said to him, haven't you seen the Christmas story, you know what will happen?! (I didnt' even ask if he was ok at first....that scene from the movie popped into my head!) He said "I know Mom."
He said he did at the end of the day, at the post near the door he comes out of but he was able to gently take it off, after two older boys came to see if he needed help. Then I had a flash back to that cold February morning and realized that this was his second time doing this!! Oh boy!!
As he's getting ready for bed this is the scene I am imagining...a little boy dressed in a snowsuit, hat, neck warmer, mitts and boots with a giant back pack on his bag, standing in the middle of the school yard with wind and snow whipping around him, staring at the metal poll. He's looking at it and slowly walking towards it, he can't stop himself, he gets closer and closer.....
This is when I asked Jonathan "What was going on in your head when you were standing there looking at the poll"?
He said "Mom, I said to myself, I just have to do it and I did it".
Lol! What a guy! Hopefully this will be his LAST time doing it!
Now I am terrified to watch the Christmas Story with my youngest, Thomas, he's a lot more adventurous than Jonathan and quite the dare devil!
I love that he tells you when he does things like this; he's taking a few chances....
But that's easy for me to say, I'm his grandmother. If I was his mom, I'd be as freaked out as you were!
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