Only you can change you!
Diet pills won't work, crazy workout schedules won't work, starving yourself won't work - you have to approach getting healthy with an attitude that this is a lifestyle. You won't lose 20lbs in 2 weeks, you won't get abs in a month! But if you start with small changes and feel the effects of those changes, then you will want to do more and you will feel so amazing about yourself!!
If you want to make some serious changes in your life so that you can live longer, play more with your kids, feel good, be healthy, feel better in your clothes take these small steps to start your journey!
1 - Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables don't have a lot of calories in them and give you so many of the nutrients your body needs to function properly! Have an apple for your morning snack, have a wrap loaded with veggies for your lunch! Make half your plate for dinner vegetables!
2 - Drink more water! A lot of times when we are hungry, we are actually starting to get dehydrated. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water, wait 10-15 minutes and if you are still hungry, then eat a small, nutritious snack to carry you over to your next meal! Everyone should be drinking 8 glasses of water (or other liquids but not juice or pop! during a day)
3 - Exercise! It doesn't have to be a crazy workout, something to get your metabolism going and to get you moving! Go for a walk, do a 20 minute exercise video, just start moving! I hear so many people say "I don't have the energy to workout", well if you worked out you would have the energy to workout! It's not going to be easy but once you start you feel amazing! No one has ever said they regretted a workout!!
4 - Sleep! Getting consistent sleep is so important to being healthy! Go to bed and wake up around the same time everyday! Even on the weekends! Your body needs sleep so it can repair itself and get energy reserves back up!
5 - Join an online support group! If you are in a group with other people who are going through the same thing as you, it's so much easier to stay motivated and accountable to reach your goals!