Monday, August 25, 2014

I have this conversation with myself pretty much every day.

I have this conversation with myself pretty much every day.

7:30am just got to work (first coffee in system) - Me:  Can't wait to workout and put an X on the calendar that's in front of me!
8:30 - meh, don’t really want to workout, maybe I can do a doubles tonight?
8:32am - we know that working out tonight probably won't happen so just do it today.
8:34am - ugh, fine
9:00am (second coffee in system) - maybe I'll do a double workout at lunch and burn some extra calories!!
9:17am - so not feeling this workout today
9:19am - you can do this!  Just think of how great you will feel when it's done!
9:20am - ya you are right!! I will feel awesome!!
10:44am - working out requires so much energy which I don't have right now.  Why do my kids have to wake me up in the middle of the night just to tell me they woke up??
10:45am - you know exercising gives you more energy!
10:47am - Right! Let's do this!
11:00am - Ya Chalene is awesome, I love workout out with her.  And the fact that I don't pee my pants when I do piyo is a major bonus.  Must do my kegals.
11:02am - maybe I'll just do half of this piyo workout and then do some ab work
11:03am - no you won't!  Get this done!  25 minutes is nothing!
11:17am - I really love working out!!  I feel like a million bucks!
11:20am - Mmmm what did I bring for lunch, I'm so hungry
11:24am - I can't wait to eat the grilled chicken, fresh beans and cucumber in my lunch!  I love that I have all local produce in my lunch. Oh and the strawberries and raspberries I have.
11:25am - Wicked awesome workout!  Let's do another
11:30am - (pop in Total Body Cardio from 21 day fix…..)
11:32am - omgosh why did I do this??  Autumn kicks my ass every single time!
11:36am - I wonder how I'm actually moving because my legs feel like jello…..Jello is really gross.  Especially those salad mould thingys that people eat. Does anyone actually think they taste good. The only good thing about jello could be jello shooters….huh, not sure, never had a jello shooter, maybe I'll make some this weekend!
11:43am - so hungry, wish I could eat a whole pizza right now and not gain 18lbs
11:47am - Must get through this minute, just keep counting to 10 over and over until she says it's done.
11:49am - I may die, alone, in my office gym surrounded by boxes full of files and please do not let the creepy first aid guy be the one to give me mouth to mouth if I die
11:51am - I may not die today!  I can do this!  5 more minutes.
11:54am - Oh crap, please do not let this workout have a bonus round.  Frig I hate those, just when you think you are done Autumn surprises you with a "bonus" workout, which really isn't a bonus because it was put on here on purpose. It's not like she's really in the tv and all of a sudden decides to add in one extra exercise.
11:58am - I could really eat a burrito right now with veggies, spicy salsa, guacamole and tortilla chips on the side, so hungry may fall over from lack of food.
11:59am - one more minute until I am closer to my lunch
12:00noon - yes I did it!!  Two workouts done and I'm the queen of the world!  Booooya!

Your workouts are all mental!!  Your body will go wherever you tell it to! 

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