It can be so hard to get into a positive mindset when you have life throwing you curve balls at every chance it gets! An unexpected bill, something needs to be repaired in your home, your pet gets sick, you get sick, your kids are ill and have to stay home so you have to miss work, the media - are always showing such horribly sad stories and giving us so many details of everything that is going wrong in the world. We are bombarded with negativity every single day.
It can be so so easy to get wrapped up in it and not appreciate what we do have.
Yes an unexpected bill may have come in, but you are healthy, have a roof over your head and people who love you.Yes your AC made need to be replaced but thankfully you have a job to pay your bills, you can make a payment plan to pay off the new AC over a few months and you can use your benefits at work to get a massage :)
Yes you didn't lose 10lbs in one month. But you did lose 6lbs, you can now run faster, you can lift heavier weights and you are starting to truly understand all this nutrition info that is out there!
See for everything bad that happens I can think of at least 3 things positive from it! Now this wasn't something that was easy for me to do, it took a lot of work, changing my daily habits, journaling, reminding myself every day of what I have to be grateful for and truly understanding how short life is.
In any moment my life could change and there is no way I want to spend it being unhappy, grumpy, dissatisfied with my life when I am the only person who can change it! My life and how I think is not the responsibility of anyone else, except me. Just me.
If you tend to be a little on the negative side try these five things for the next week:
1 - Every night before you fall asleep think of at least 5 things that happened in your day that you can be grateful for - your kids, your spouse, your friends, the awesome workout you did, or how much you enjoyed your yoga class. When you think of it, think specifically - like I am so grateful for the the amazing yoga class I had today. I was able to follow along and the moves weren't as hard as I thought they would be :)
2 - Don't sweat the small stuff. It doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter. Kids leave their sock on the stairs, who cares. Someone took your parking space at the mall, who cares. Someone didn't hold the door for you, who cares. These things are NOT important in the grand scheme of life :)
3- Turn off the news. For real. I read the paper once a day, but I no longer watch CNN, or Fox as they make my anxiety sky rocket and make so sad. Pick a news source - cbc or ottawa citizen and read that.
4 - Figure out a way to give back to someone you love or your community. Do something small with the expectation that you will get NOTHING in return. When you selflessly help someone the feeling of being kind and generous is incredible. Volunteer at a school or a seniors home, or make a little treat for someone you know who isn't well, or bring your co worker a coffee in the morning.
5 - Meditate for 2-5 minutes every day. Find somewhere peaceful, somewhere with no distractions, close your eyes and try to tune out the world. Focus on your breathing, focus on being in the moment, not thinking about the dishes that need to be done or the huge pile of laundry that is waiting on the other side of the door for you. Just breathe and relax :)
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